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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Effective 3/23/11 no additional conditions may be requested on a C-9 form. Self-Insured Employers may deny the request and instruct the Physician of Record that only a C-86 Motion may be filed to request an additional condition.


Continuance Policy

Effective 1/17/11 the Industrial Commission have updated the continuance policies. Changes include that good cause for a conflict can only be shown by conflicting IC hearing or court conflict when that date was set prior to the hearing date.


Confidential Personal Information Rules

Effective 10/1/10 five new Industrial Commission rules regarding confidential personal information. These rules address how and when employees of the Industrial Commission may provide certain information to parties outside the Commission. The rules specifically state that the “prior workers compensation claims” are confidential and personal. To obtain this information the BWC has promulgated a new release for the claimant’s signature, form C-72 Release authorizing the release of information of any and all worker’s compensation claims.

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