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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Effective September 1, 2011, the BWC has instituted its first ever FORMULARY of medications approved
for outpatient treatment of injured workers. Each year the BWC spends approximately, $130 million in prescriptions for injured workers and the formulary is estimated to save the BWC $15 million dollars by the end of calendar year 2012. While relatively few of the exhaustive list of drugs are actually limited at this point, here are some highlights:

Effective September 1, 2011, Skeletal Muscle Relaxant (excluding Baclofen and Dantorlene) are restricted to ninety days from first prescription plus one additional 30 day prescription. Prior authorization required for an additional 30 days prescription. (For claimants already receiving and being reimbursed for these drugs prior to 9/1/11, coverage shall be continued until 1/1/12 when this restriction will be enforced.)

Effective September 1, 2011 Carisoprodol (SOMA) containing products will not be covered. (For claimants already receiving and being reimbursed for this drug prior to 9/1/11, coverage shall be continued until 1/1/12 when reimbursement for this drug becomes prohibited.)

For the specific rule changes, see OAC 4123-6-21.

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